


自分ã®çŸ¥æµã«é ¼ã‚‹ãª

(English following)


マルコ 14:44-45(新改訳JSS2017) イエスをè£åˆ‡ã‚ã†ã¨ã—ã¦ã„ãŸè€…ã¯ã€å½¼ã‚‰ã¨åˆå›³ã‚’決ã‚ã€ã€Œç§ãŒå£ã¥ã‘ã‚’ã™ã‚‹ã®ãŒã€ãã®äººã ã€‚ãã®äººã‚’æ•ã¾ãˆã¦ã€ã—ã£ã‹ã‚Šã¨å¼•ã„ã¦è¡Œãã®ã ã€ã¨è¨€ã£ã¦ãŠã„ãŸã€‚ユダã¯ã‚„ã£ã¦æ¥ã‚‹ã¨ã™ãã€ã‚¤ã‚¨ã‚¹ã«è¿‘ã¥ãã€ã€Œå…ˆç”Ÿã€ã¨è¨€ã£ã¦å£ã¥ã‘ã—ãŸã€‚


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Bible Vitamin


Mar 14:44-45 NIV84  Now the betrayer had arranged a signal with them: “The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.” 45 Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Rabbi!” and kissed him.


We are not told anything about Judas’ inner thoughts and motives for betraying Jesus.  Maybe he became disillusioned with Jesus because he was not fulfilling the image of who he thought the Messiah should be or how he was to come as a military leader and overthrow the Romans.  Maybe he thought he would set up a situation where Jesus would be forced to reveal himself in power and strike the Roman occupation.  Whatever his reasoning, Judas has forgotten his trust in Jesus and God’s word.  He is trying to work things out in his own strength and reasoning.  Although this led to Jesus’ arrest and ultimately his crucifixion, God used it to accomplish his plan and purpose for Jesus and the redemption of mankind.  But it did not turn out well for Judas.  Jesus said earlier, “The Son of Man will go just as it is written about him. But woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born.” (Mark 14:21 NIV84) When things did not work out the way Judas expected or wanted, he lost all hope and he had betrayed the only one who could give him hope.  Although he tried to undo the damage which resulted, what was done was done (see Matt 27:3-5).  The other disciples also betrayed and deserted Jesus and yet in the end there was repentance and restoration.  The same would have been available for Judas had he repented and returned to the only one who could forgive and cleanse him.  It is never wise nor safe to trust in your own strength or wisdom.  And when we mess up, the only and best thing to do is to return to our Lord Jesus, the Messiah. “Then you will find favor with both God and people, and you will earn a good reputation. 5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6 Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. 7 Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom. Instead, fear the LORD and turn away from evil.†(Pro 3:4-7 NLT; see also 1John 1:9-10)

How does this apply to you?