(English following)
黙示録 17:14 (新改訳JSS2017) 彼らã¯å羊ã«æˆ¦ã„を挑ã¿ã¾ã™ãŒã€å羊ã¯å½¼ã‚‰ã«æ‰“ã¡å‹ã¡ã¾ã™ã€‚å羊ã¯ä¸»ã®ä¸»ã€çŽ‹ã®çŽ‹ã ã‹ã‚‰ã§ã™ã€‚å羊ã¨ã¨ã‚‚ã«ã„る者ãŸã¡ã¯ã€å¬ã•ã‚Œã¦é¸ã°ã‚ŒãŸå¿ 実ãªè€…ãŸã¡ã§ã™ã€‚ã€
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Bible Vitamin
Rev 17:14 NIV84 They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
No matter how things develop, we know that in the end the Lamb, The Lord Jesus Christ, and those who are with him (The Called, The Chosen and The Faithful Followers) will overcome and be victorious. John gives some hints and clues as to who the Beast and the Prostitute are, but we are still left with questions as to the ultimate fulfillment. What we do know is that these are Satan’s final and desperate attempts to overthrow the Lord God of Heaven and disrupt His purposes here on earth. The Beast and the Prostitute try to organize a rebellion among the nations and people of the earth. However, The Lord Jesus Christ, The Lamb is still The Lord of Lords and The King of Kings. This title is seen throughout Scripture (Deut 10:17; Psa 136:2-3; Dan 2:47; 1Tim 5:15; Rev 19:16). Revelations 19 gives us a more detailed picture of his ultimate victory and the celebration called, The Marriage Supper of the Lamb. We see Jesus as the victorious rider of the White Horse whose name is Faithful and True; He has this name written on his robe and thigh, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDSâ€. Whatever happens lets always remember who Jesus is and that we are with him; The Final Victorious King.
How does this apply to you?
今日ã®QT箇所: 黙示録 17:7-18
http://eepurl.com/cxmGIn ã«ãŠç”³ã—è¾¼ã¿ãã ã•ã„。